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OTC trading offers advantages such as greater privacy, as transactions are not publicly visible, and less market impact, as large trades do not influence the market price as much as they would on an exchange. Our OTC desk offers a personalized service to our clients, often with a range of offerings on digital assets not publicly available.
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Banking and financial services provided by B2fintech`s & B2crypto Banks and Financial Partners, related companies and sister companies. VASP services provided by B2Tech Europe UAB, Lithuanian regulated entity under the Register number #306208267. MSB, Fx, VASP, money transmitter and remittances services provided by Touch Pay Ltd. Canadian regulated entity under the Register number #M23878626. VASP services provided in Brazil for Crypto Trade Compra, Venda e Corretagem de Cryptomoedas Ltda. Brazilian regulated entity under the Register number 7980669, all owned by B2Tech Fingroup LLC. We also use services from other regulated associates and suppliers, like Fiereblocks Inc, Sum adn substance Ltd, Deltec bank, D1 technologies, Delchain exchange, Mastercard, Bastion Ltd, Futuri Bank, Wallter AUB, B2inpay.

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